Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The Brut-ish Boy!!!

         There were no second thoughts, I was for sure not in Love! But there was something about him I longed everyday every minute I sat next to him. Was it attraction? Was it infatuation? Was it the so-called-famous love? Attraction and infatuation involves physical attributes but considering that, he had scored a perfect zero. Not that he was bad looking, as I put it, just not my type. He looked milky fair (I often asked, if his mother was a foreigner) with slightly chocolate brown hair (apt for center shock advertisement) and emerald green eyes. See now you understand how alien-ish he looked. So there were no second thoughts about me being attracted towards him. So if the first two are ruled out what is left, Love. People say, love is blind but can it be this blind? People also say, in love even a money looks like the prince right from fairy tales, not to my luck. I was totally perplexed by my own attitude, consoling myself every two minutes, of falling in love with green eyed peas. Yet, somewhere my heart let out a meek cry, that I was not in love with this chap. Yet, my heart wanted to be next to him smelling his fragrance. The day he would skip classes, I would sit alone seemingly dull, missing him. Or may be I missed his fragrance. Once I asked him to change his perfume and all my questionable love was flushed down the gutter. I never loved him (confirmed) but his perfume. The smell of his perfume was so addictive, making me believe I was in love. 
        Even after pestering him for two long years, he never revealed the name of his seductive mistress. I only wished if google could search it for me by smelling!!! Our school days were over and finally, when I stepped in to college a similar smell haunted me. I was elated on hearing its name, finally. So after two years of following a colourful (not metaphorically but literally) man, I show case a bottle on my dressing table, smelling often spraying as a room freshener but satisfied because of the lingering smell and the fact, I was still single.

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